artist, in love with wildlife & nature .


Artistic statement:

During the lockdown, I embarked on a journey into the world of painting, and it ignited a profound passion within me. Through dedicated practice and guidance from invaluable tutorials, I've witnessed a remarkable evolution in my artwork from its nascent stroke.

My artistic expression encompasses two distinct realms: one characterized by the pursuit of realism, particularly in my portrayal of animals, and the other marked by the boundless creativity of fantasy. Each facet of my art reflects a unique aspect of my creative spirit, allowing me to explore and capture the essence of both the tangible and the fantastical.

About my artwork:

In my artwork, I immerse myself in the captivating world of oils, utilizing their rich textures and vibrant hues to bring my creative visions to life. One facet of my portfolio revolves around the meticulous portrayal of realistic animals, where I strive to capture the essence of each creature with precision and depth. Through careful observation and a deep appreciation for the intricacies of nature, I endeavor to evoke a sense of connection and reverence for the animal kingdom in my viewers.

Parallel to this exploration of realism lies my enchanting realm of fantasy, epitomized by the endearing character of Skelly, a whimsical skeleton boy navigating the complexities of real-life experiences. Within this imaginative domain, I weave tales of wonder and curiosity, using Skelly as a conduit to explore universal themes of friendship, resilience, and self-discovery. Through his adventures, I invite audiences to embrace the magic of storytelling and to rediscover the joy of seeing the world through a lens of boundless imagination.

In both realms of my artistic expression, whether grounded in the tangible or steeped in the fantastical, I find endless fascination and inspiration. Through the medium of oils, I endeavor to not only depict the beauty of the natural world but also to ignite the imagination and ignite a sense of wonder in those who behold my creations.

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